Our nature, our heritage


We live on these lands as the seasons change, and as the generations go by! The natural environment of Evian is our home and also our heritage, so naturally we take very good care of it. We wish to welcome you in the most sustainable way possible.

Our restaurants are environmentally friendly


and recognised as such by the 3 Ecotable badges awarded to the Les Fresques restaurant at the Hôtel Royal. We prioritise local, seasonal products from local artisans and producers who have become partners, as well as the harvests from our own 3,000 m2 kitchen garden. Every year more than 2 tonnes of fruit and vegetables are grown to the delight of our chefs!

View from the garden

A bird sanctuary


Signatory of the LPO (League for the Protection of Birds) sanctuary charter, the Evian Resort has been committed to promoting biodiversity since 2011. For this certification, we willingly welcome, protect and promote nature on our sites, we forbid hunting and fishing, and we are committed to creating favourable conditions for the soil, wild flora and fauna, to protecting our sanctuary from pollution of all types, and reducing our impact on the environment.

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Differentiated management


Confronted with climate change and its impact on biodiversity, the Evian Resort’s gardeners have made the decision to manage the gardens in a “considered” manner. Each square metre of our grounds is carefully studied to improve our biodiversity reserves or to contribute to protecting our resources. During your walks in the grounds, you may be able to see the different types of maintenance from mowing using a spiral mower to delayed cutting back of embankments and verges, measures which better respect and preserve our natural environment.

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The beehives


Installed in 2015, the 10 hives allow the Hôtel Royal to produce its own natural, high quality wildflower honey. You will find it on your table or to take home (on sale in our restaurant La Véranda).


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